Our first meeting is December 8 at 11 am. Our proposed agenda is below. Want to join in? Email us at urbanadogs at gmail dot com for the address and directions!
1. Introductions: who we are, who our dogs are. If people want, they
might also say why they joined this group and/or what they hope to get
out of it.
2. Decide on some basic goals of the group, suitable for putting into a
mission statement. When someone asks what the group is for and what it
does, what will we tell them? Some suggestions to get us started:
- improve communication among dog park users
- improve communication with Urbana Parks District (UPD)
- provide educational opportunities about dog care/training
3. Specific goals/projects. What do we want to work on?
I am going to attend the meeting. The instructions were not so clear . . .
ReplyDeleteLet me know what I can do to make them more clear!